The Tales of the Knight of Aristan is a twelve book, interwoven fantasy storyline revolving around your child. Each book is a minimum of 32 pages and is suitable for boys and girls.
For a completely immersive experience, Your child starts off as a squire and is interwoven through a series of 12 books that takes place in the fantasy land of Aristan, where they combat the forces of evil, solve puzzles, all the while making friends along the way in an effort to return the baby dragon back to their mother.
After winning the royal games, the Knight's prize is a baby dragon. Wanting to return it to its mother, they venture off to the Dragon's Mountain. The journey is treacherous and perilous and they are only armed with a sword and a shield.
BOOK ONE: dragon's tale
After finding a magic lamp, they are granted 3 wishes. But the genie is trickster, and each wish is worse than the last. Until the knight figures out a way to make everything right again.
BOOK two: magic lamp
Having wished themselves far away to another land, the knight and the dragon find a treasure map that will lead them to the lost dragon treasure. Wanting to return it to the rightful owners, they meet untrustworthy pirates who want the treasure for themselves.
BOOK three: treasure map
Passing through the land of Lo'n'behold, they are captured and brought before the ruler of the land, who ends up looking exactly like them. The ruler wants to switch places so they can enjoy a day to themselves, but the knight accidentally stops a war from happening, and the people want them to stay and rule.
After walking for several days without food or water, the knight finds a cabin in the woods, with food being prepared. Thinking that no one would notice, they end up eating a potion that changes them into different animals.
BOOK four: witch's spell
BOOK five: royal decree
To get back on track, they are tasked with getting a tooth from an ogre which is supposed to have magical properties. They venture to find the ogre, who makes a deal with the knight, only to find that it is the first in a long line of deals to be had.
BOOK six: Ogre's tooth
Venturing into the Ice Wizard's realm, they are frozen into statues. The knight ends up challenging the Wizard to a battle of wits that confuses him enough that they can escape.
BOOK seven: ice wizard
The knight and the dragon end up sleeping in a haunted castle where they befriend a series of bored ghosts who want a good fright. The knight ends up finding out that they miss the living and just want company. The give the knight a map to the fire sword
BOOK eight: the haunted castle
The map to the fire sword is deep within a mummy's tomb. The knight has to surpass all the traps and tricks to get to the fire sword, but not before they unleash the 3000 year old mummy!
BOOK nine: mummy's curse
Resting in a small town on the way to Dragon Mountain, the knight wakes up to find the fire sword and the dragon missing. They follow the clues until they find the thief who too them. A mighty chase ensues, and the knight finds themself in a dangerous predicament.
Waking up after the last battle, they are tied up in a cave with ferocious noises coming from the tunnels that lead out. Soon realizing that they are in a maze, they have to figure a way to mark their path, so they aren't stuck forever.
BOOK twelve: the ICE GIANTS
Tricked into taking a portal of no return, the brave knight finds themselves in the land of none-too-friendly The Ice Giants. Their only hope is the fire sword and baby dragon who can't control their fire.